Monday, October 08, 2007

Another Manic Monday Theme: Track
Rules for Manic Monday: use the word track or tracksin a post. Anyway you want. Just have FUN with it!

Growing up in New Mexico in the foothills of the mountains, I loved to wander through the desert searching for animal tracks. I was never sure what had been there before me. I recognized the slithering trail left by a snake. I always noticed my cat's paw prints. He, like me, loved to wander about looking for life. Scorpions, lizards, tarantulas, wild rabbits and many more critters were all part of my life in the desert. Some were dangerous and I was repeatedly told to stay away from for fear of getting stung or bitten with venemous results. This didn't stop me from being curious and wanting to see these dangerous things up close. I think it made it more exciting to know they could kill and would with the slightest bit of provocation.
Animal tracks to this day bring a feeling of gratitude. I'm grateful that they are still here on earth, that they haven't been totally destroyed. I am honored we are allowed in their space, their home, they certainly aren't honored to be in ours.

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