Thursday, April 30, 2009

April Decatur Women's Book Club Book

Loving Frank: A Novel Loving Frank: A Novel by Nancy Horan

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars
wow, what a book...i'm so happy this was recommended for one of my book clubs as i wouldn't have picked it up. i found it so interesting to learn about not only Frank Lloyd Wright but a little about architecture and what was going on in the early 1900s in regards to politics, current events, society in general and I'm especially grateful to have learned a little about Mamah. She was an amazing woman in so many ways. I could totally relate to her longing for a more fulfilling relationship, more intimate and with an equal that could challenge her and make her think. I too am a lover of learning and seem to think intellectual stimulation is as strong if not stronger than any other kind, at least for me. I felt for her having to make choices that no matter what she did, someone would suffer, her, or her children, or Edwin her husband. It does seem that to follow one's heart often hurts others and that if we could just put our own longings, our own desires and passions aside and be there for others, life would be easier but it wouldn't be authentic either and as I've gotten older, authenticity has become more and more important to me. I highly recommend this book for many reasons, the historical aspect, the relationship dynamics are real and honest if painful, and the total surprise in the end. Makes me want to read more about Mamah and Frank outside of this book.

View all my reviews.

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